Archives by: Kasia Mika

AHRC Midlands3Cities PhD funding for UK/EU students: Postcolonial Studies

AHRC Midlands3Cities funding for UK/EU students The Midlands3Cities Doctoral Training Partnership (M3C) is a collaboration between the University of Birmingham, Birmingham City University, De Montfort University, University of Leicester, Nottingham Trent University and The University of Nottingham. M3C is awarding up to 80 PhD Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) studentships for UK/EU applicants for 2018 entry. M3C is also awarding 7 Collaborative Doctoral Awards with partner organisations: Flatpack Festival, Leicester City Council, Nottingham City Museums and Galleries, Nottingham Contemporary, Oxford Lieder, Royal ... Read more

Dutch-Gambian co-production launches crowdfunding campaign

Dutch-Gambian co-production launches crowdfunding campaign   AMSTERDAM/SERRAKUNDA – Dutch filmmaking duo Bas Ackermann and Emiel Martens, in collaboration with Gambian media production house State of Mic, have launched a crowdfunding campaign for Gifts from Babylon, a new short fiction film about illegal migration from Africa to Europe. They aim to collect €10.000 to be able to record the film in The Gambia by the end of the year.      Last year Ackermann and Martens achieved their first success with Welcome to the Smiling ... Read more

The PSA Newsletter #19 (Summer 2017): ‘The Future of Postcolonial Studies’

The PSA Newsletter #19 (Summer 2017) is now out. The theme of this issue is 'The Future of Postcolonial Studies', inspired by a recent panel discussion organised by the PSA. The issue includes papers presented at the panel, an interview with one of our founding members and a number of related book reviews. You will also be introduced to the new Executive Committee of the PSA, who will serve until 2020. A preview (the first 10 pages) is attached here and the ... Read more

Ngugi wa Thiong’o in Vienna, 2-4 May 2017

SAVE THE DATE: Ngugi wa Thiong'o in Vienna, 2-4 May 2017   Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Distinguished Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine, is one of Africa’s most important writers and intellectuals. He was born in Kenya in 1938 into a large peasant family, attended university in Uganda and in England and started his career as a novelist in the 1960s. His novels include Weep Not Child (1964), Matigari (1986) and Murogi wa Kagogo (transl. Wizard of the Crow ... Read more

CfP: On Whose Terms?: Ten Years On…

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CfP: Indenture Abolition Centenary Conference

Indenture Abolition Centenary Conference 2017 International Conference on the Centenary of the Abolition of Indentureship in the British Empire Senate House, University of London 6­-7 October 2017   Partners: The School of Advanced Study The Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies, University of Warwick Royal Holloway, University of London We are delighted to announce a call for papers for an interdisciplinary conference marking the centenary of the abolition of indentureship in the British Empire. The conveners wish to place special emphasis on new research in the field of indentureship studies. Three ... Read more

CfP: Afroeuropeans: Black Cultures and Identities in Europe

Afroeuropeans: Black Cultures and Identities in Europe 6 - 8 July 2017, University of Tampere, Finland   URBAN CULTURE – RURAL PAROCHIALISM? EUROPEAN CITYSCAPES AND PERIPHERIES IN AFRICAN (DIASPORIC) LITERATURES Panel organizers: Janine Hauthal (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) & Anna-Leena Toivanen (University of Eastern Finland) European cities frequently figure in African (diasporic) fiction. With their landmarks and suburbs, former colonial metropolitan centres serve as settings in narratives exploring a variety of African diasporic experiences in Europe and contribute to the project of rewriting the continent from a new perspective. While ... Read more

Contemporary Women’s Writing Essay Prize

Contemporary Women’s Writing Essay Prize The journal of Contemporary Women’s Writing (Oxford University Press) is delighted to announce the launch of the 2017 Essay Prize.  The Contemporary Women’s Writing Essay Prize aims to encourage new scholarship in the field of contemporary women’s writing, recognise and reward outstanding achievement by new researchers and support the professional development of next generation scholars. The winner of the inaugural 2016 Essay Prize was Mary Horgan for “About Change: Ali Smith’s Numismatic Modernism.” You can read Mary’s essay ... Read more

CfP:Borders vs Bridges: Nationalism and Transnationalism in the Americas (Extended Deadline)

 Borders vs Bridges:  Nationalism and Transnationalism in the Americas  UCL Institute of the Americas, London  3rd Annual Conference 11-12 May 2017  Keynote Speakers:  Prof. Cathy McIlwaine (QMUL) & Dr. Nick Witham (UCL-IA) Extended Call For Papers - New Deadline 13th January  Following the success of our 1st  and 2nd International Conferences, the UCL Americas Research Network invites postgraduate students and early  career researchers working on any aspect of the Americas to participate in our 3rd International Conference: 'Nationalism and Transnationalism in the Americas. As a leading postgraduate hub for studies of the Americas ... Read more

CfP: Ecotones 2: Experiences of Migration and Transformations in the Ecotones, 22-24 June, 2017

Ecotones 2: Experiences of Migration and Transformations in the Ecotones University of Poitiers (MIGRINTER), France  22-24 June, 2017 Deadline to submit a proposal: 10 January, 2017 Notification of acceptance: 1 March, 2017 In partnership with EMMA (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3) and Coastal Carolina University (SC) and in collaboration with CRHIA (Université de La Rochelle) and CIELAM (Université d’Aix Marseille) This event is the follow-up of a conference cycle on the notion of ecotones. Initially used in physical geography, an “ecotone” is a transitional area between two or more ... Read more
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