Postcolonial Studies Association Funding Schemes
We are delighted to be able to announce the winners of the 2019-2020 PSA Funding Schemes. The Funding Committee warmly praised the importance of the projects supported here. Names of the winners and a short description of the research projects supported by these funds appear below, but PSA members can also look forward to reading more about their research in future editions of the PSA Newsletter. We would especially like to thank the Funding Committee for their careful analysis of the applications.
The PSA acknowledges that some of the scheduled events will be rearranged due to the current situation with Covid-19, and we aim to fund postponed events. We offer our congratulations to those applicants listed below who have been unable to take up their awards, and look forward to welcoming applications for next year’s funding round.
General Research Fund
Lauren Pyott Fieldwork in Dubai, Sharjah and Doha – the politics of knowledge production about ‘Syrian art’, analysing the relationship between art institutions and artists from Syria between 2000 and the present day.
Sinead Murphy Participation in a panel discussion at the Annual Conference of the Association for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies in Goethe University Frankfurt, the theme of which this year is ‘English in a World of Strangers: Rethinking World Anglophone Studies’.
Siddharth Soni Organisation of conference Climate Fictions / Indigenous Studies. “Climate Fictions / Indigenous Studies” research network,
Kingsley Oluchi Ugwuanyi Assistance to attend Sociolinguistics Symposium 23 at the University of Hong Kong.
Sneha Reddy Tumu North African and Indian Soldiers in the First World War in Palestine and Syria, 1917-23 – archival trip.
Janina Pescinski Fieldwork in spring 2020 for doctoral research on Citizens and Migrants Co-Performing Citizenship in the Borderzone.
Luca Raimondi Research visit to India to gather material for two case studies on the ways in which the fictional spatiality of Malgudi has been interpreted, represented, and “re-absorbed” into the real urban and rural landscape of Southern India.
Conference / Symposium Organisation Assistance Fund
Mara Mattoscio Bordering Genders/Genres/Genera: Crossings, Writings, Cultures, convened by Mara Mattoscio, Silvia Antosa and Mariaconcetta Costantini, Gabriele d’Annunzio University of Pescara, Italy.
Sraddha Shivani Rajkomar Archipelagic Memory: Intersecting Geographies, Histories and Disciplines, University of Mauritius.
Jack Webb Colonial and Postcolonial Print Mobilities: Black Periodicals and Local Publications, 1880-present, Newcastle University.
There are three schemes under which applications for funding can be made in the current year’s round of funding:
The deadline for the 2022-2023 round of the schemes is 1 November 2022, with decisions being announced by early January.
1. Conference / Symposium Organisation Assistance Fund 2022-2023
The Postcolonial Studies Association (PSA) welcomes applications for up to £250 to assist with costs towards the staging of an academic conference or symposium in an area of postcolonial studies. For the 2022-2023 funding competition, the event should be held between 1 December 2022 and 30 November 2023. Events that make special provision to serve the needs of postgraduate students in postcolonial studies will be particularly favourably considered although events of all types are eligible.
Applications can be made by any current member of the PSA, with the exception of those who sit on the funding committee.
Any money awarded will be payable on production of an invoice after the event. Payment will be made in the form of bank transfer.
Any promotional materials for the event, conference programmes etc, and/or subsequent publications arising should acknowledge the assistance of the PSA.
The PSA reserves the right to make no award if it is felt that no suitable application has been received.
Unsuccessful application to any of the PSA funds in a given year does not preclude applications in any subsequent years. Successful applicants are not eligible to apply again for two years after an award has been made.
All applications unsuccessful under the Conference/Symposium Organisation Assistance Fund will also be considered under the General Research Fund. There is no need to make separate applications for each.
2. Scholars from Lower Income Countries Conference Assistance Fund 2022-23
The Postcolonial Studies Association (PSA) welcomes applications for up to £500 from scholars from lower-income countries to assist with expenses incurred through attendance at a conference in the UK. Scholars usually resident in countries that fall within PSA membership categories B & C are entitled to apply (Click here for details of membership bands). For the 2022-23 funding competition, the costs should be incurred between 1 December 2022 and 30 November 2023. Applications can be made to cover travel costs, accommodation, or conference fees, but awards can only be made on the production of original receipts.
The PSA is not able to act as sponsor for any visa applications. Applicants should familiarise themselves with the requirements regarding entry to the UK (, and complete any necessary arrangements themselves.
The decision to award funding will be made at the discretion of the funding committee and executive committee of the PSA.
Applications can be made by any current member of the PSA, with the exception of those who sit on the funding committee.
Any money awarded will be payable on production of original receipts after the costs are incurred. Payment will be made in the form of bank transfer.
Any publications arising from the research should acknowledge the assistance of the PSA.
The PSA reserves the right to make no award if it is felt that no suitable application has been received.
Unsuccessful application to any of the PSA funds in a given year does not preclude applications in any subsequent years. Successful applicants are not eligible to apply again for two years after an award has been made.
All applications unsuccessful under the Scholars from Lower-Income Countries Conference Assistance Fund will also be considered under the General Research Fund. There is no need to make separate applications for each.
3. General Research Fund 2022-23
The Postcolonial Studies Association (PSA) welcomes applications for up to £500 to assist with research costs in an area of postcolonial studies. For the 2022-2023 funding competition, the costs should be incurred between 1 December 2022 and 30 November 2023. It is expected that applications will be made for such expenses as travel costs, or for access for necessary resources, but all requests that can demonstrate a benefit to postcolonial studies scholarship will be considered. Please note that small applications for any amount are equally welcome under this scheme.
The decision to award funding will be made at the discretion of the funding committee and executive committee of the PSA.
Applications can be made by any current member of the PSA, with the exception of those who sit on the funding committee.
Any money awarded will be payable on production of receipts after the costs are incurred. Payment will be made in the form of bank transfer.
Any publications arising from the research should acknowledge the assistance of the PSA.
The PSA reserves the right to make no award if it is felt that no suitable application has been received.
Unsuccessful application to any of the PSA funds in a given year does not preclude applications in any subsequent years. Successful applicants are not eligible to apply again for two years after an award has been made.
All applications unsuccessful under the Conference/Symposium Organisation Assistance Fund and the Scholars from Lower-Income Countries Conference Assistance Fund will also be considered under the General Research Fund. There is no need to make separate applications for each.
Only paid-up members of the PSA are eligible to apply. Application for all funds will be on a competitive basis and should be made using the respective application forms; further details of the schemes can also be found on these forms.
The PSA Funding Committee advises the Executive Committee on which applications should receive funding. Applications will be assessed according to the viability and originality of the proposed research project, the ability of the applicant to carry it out successfully, and the possible benefit to postcolonial studies scholarship generally.
Any queries regarding the schemes should be directed to the Treasurer of the PSA, Jenni Ramone
We view these schemes as significantly furthering the PSA’s aim of promoting and encouraging the development of postcolonial studies and we look forward to being able more directly to support the exciting work carried out by our members.