Posts Tagged: non-Anglophone

Call for Papers – SPEAKING AS THE ‘OTHER’: CALLIOPE International Conference, University of Helsinki: 10-12 May 2021

"SPEAKING AS THE ‘OTHER’: Coloniality, Subalternity, and Embodied Political Articulations" (late 18th – early 20th centuries) 10-12 May 2021 Live in Helsinki and online This multidisciplinary conference seeks to examine performative, embodied and acoustic histories of articulating political representation and colonial ‘otherness’. To that end, we intend to extend the focus of the conference beyond established Anglophone analyses of the metropole and colony, and indeed, beyond the disciplinary pre-eminence of Anglophone postcolonial studies.  The conference is planned to be held live at Metsätalo Lecture Hall 4, Unioninkatu 40, University ... Read more