Archive for September 9, 2019


Delegates, alphabetically by last names Aghogho Akpome The African refugee and the crisis of European (in)justice in Jenny Erpenbeck’s Go Went Gone This paper explores Go Went Gone, a 2015 novel by the German writer, Jenny Erpenbeck on the plight of a handful of African refugees in Berlin in the context of what has been called the European refugee/migrant ‘crisis’. The novel’s exploration of the impossible juridical/bureaucratic obstacles placed before these refugees foreground the ways in which the so-called ‘crisis’ of recent migration to the West can be understood primarily ... Read more

Keynote Speakers

David Theo Goldberg Professor, Comparative Literature, University of California, Irvine, USA Global Dread Dread, I suggest, is the driving political affect of our current conjuncture. I examine the relational ambiguities of a dread that is more or less global, the dread globalization has prompted (contrasted with the dread of global imperialisms) and the dread of globalization as such. Paul Gilroy spoke of postcolonial mourning, the nostalgia for a sensed loss of standing in a world bereft of empire, its affordances both material and affective. I ... Read more