The Postcolonial Studies Association is pleased to announce that it will be able to offer a small number of grants in order to assist with travel and accommodation costs for delegates presenting papers at the 2017 PSA Convention.
You should complete the attached form and return to the specified email address no later than Friday 30 June. Successful applicants will be informed by the end of July 2017.
Download the form:
Completing the form:
- You should indicate the total amount of funding you are applying for, and break this down into individual costs for travel and accommodation and registration.
- In your supporting statement, you should indicate in no more than 250 words the significance and originality of your paper and its contribution to the field of postcolonial studies. The word limit must be strictly observed – please indicate a word count (excluding the costs).
- You should attach the abstract of the paper that was accepted for presentation at the convention.
Terms and conditions
- Only confirmed speakers at the PSA Convention 2017 are eligible to apply;
- You must be either a postgraduate research student, unwaged, or waged in a Band C country (e.g. faculty in a higher education institution). See the PSA website for details on which countries are Band C countries.
- There is no upper limit to how much you can apply for. However, if you are successful, the PSA Convention Committee may offer you less than the sum indicated.
- The PSA decision on applications is final and not subject to appeal.
- The grants will only reimburse registration fees to the value of the ‘Early Bird’ rates.
- Payment will only be made after the Convention, on the production of all relevant receipts.