
CfP: The Postcolonial and the Material (deadline extended)

The Postcolonial and the Material May 5 – 7, 2016 University of Augsburg, Germany Call for Papers Gesellschaft für Anglophone Postkoloniale Studien (GAPS) Annual Conference CONFIRMED KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Shoba Venkatesh Ghosh (University of Mumbai) Bhekizizwe Peterson (University of the Witwatersrand) For its 2016 conference, GAPS invites panels and individual papers addressing the relationship between the ‘postcolonial’ and the ‘material’ in anglophone literary studies, cultural studies, media studies, and linguistics as well as from transdisciplinary perspectives. Drawing from and exceeding the notion of the material in material culture studies, the conference ... Read more


CALL FOR PAPERS – CARIBBEAN LITERATURE & CULTURE (THE LITERARY ENCYCLOPEDIA)   The Literary Encyclopedia at is looking for qualified writers to enhance its coverage of Anglophone Writing and Culture of Central America and the Caribbean. The list below is not comprehensive or final, and new proposals of writers/ works/context essays that are not currently listed in our database are also welcome. However, we will prioritize articles on writers and works frequently studied in university courses, and those that are highly topical ... Read more

CfP: Trauma as cultural palimpsests: (post)communism against the background of comparative modernities, totalitarianisms, and (post)coloniality, Wroclaw University, 2-3 June 2016

 Trauma as cultural palimpsests: (post)communism against the background of comparative modernities, totalitarianisms, and (post)coloniality, Wroclaw University, 2-3 June 2016 Research Center for Postcolonial and Posttotalitarian Studies, Wrocław University, Call for Papers: The conference aims to investigate the multiple forms of totalitarian trauma and of the (post-)traumatic transition period in the region. The assessment of the totalitarian pasts has been the object of divisive and partial political debates, themselves, at times, no more than post-traumatic symptoms at the discursive level. The conference aims to ... Read more

CFP Shakespeares: Critical Perspectives Past and Present, Beni Mellal, Morocco

Call For Papers   Shakespeares: Critical Perspectives Past and Present RLCC Annual International Conference 29-30 March 2016, Beni Mellal, Morocco   On the occasion of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death, the Research Laboratory on Culture and Communication is devoting its annual international conference to “Shakespeares: Critical Perspectives Past and Present.” Proposals for 20-minute papers addressing any aspect of Shakespeare’s oeuvre are invited. The conference topics include (but are not limited to): Popular Culture and Shakespeare Multicultural/Global Shakespeare Shakespeare in the Arab World Postmodern Shakespeare(s) Performing/Staging Shakespeare Screening Shakespeare Cross-gender ... Read more

Travel Bursaries: Our Own Image: The Legacies of Maori Filmmaking in Aotearoa/New Zealand – AHRC/University of Leeds symposium, November 17th 2015

Our Own Image: The Legacies of Maori Filmmaking in Aotearoa/New Zealand – AHRC/University of Leeds symposium, November 17th 2015 Postgraduate Student Travel Bursaries Four travel bursaries are available to attend the above event for postgraduate students whose current or proposed research focuses on topics in Postcolonial Studies, Indigenous/Fourth Cinema and Media. On Tuesday 17th November 2015, the ‘Our Own Image’ project will hold the first of two hui, or symposia, on the legacies of the pioneering generation of Maori filmmakers that began making films in the ... Read more

Seminar Series: Diasporic Trajectories: Transnational Cultures in the 21st Century

Diasporic Trajectories: Transnational Cultures in the 21st Century  IASH, 2 Hope Park Square, University of Edinburgh  Seminar 5, Friday 13th November, 2-5pm *Prof. David Murphy, ‘The Performance of Pan-Africanism: performing black identity at major pan-African festivals, 1966-2010’ *Dr James Procter , 'Diaspora on Air: Radio and Lyrical Modernity' Chair: Dr Sam Coombes   The remaining seminars in the series are the following: Diaspora studies is a growing area of research within the broader field of postcolonial studies. Its principal focus is the ways in which the experiences of migrant and displaced communities have been ... Read more

PhD Funding: AHRC Midlands3Cities funding for UK/EU Arts and Humanities research students

AHRC Midlands3Cities funding for UK/EU Arts and Humanities research students The Midlands3Cities Doctoral Training Partnership will be awarding 410 PhD studentships over a five year period to excellent research students in the Arts and Humanities. The DTP, a collaboration between Nottingham Trent, Nottingham, Birmingham, Birmingham City, Leicester and De Montfort universities, provides research candidates with cross-institutional mentoring, expert supervision, including cross-institutional supervision where appropriate, subject specific and generic training, and professional support in preparing for a career. English at Nottingham Trent University is inviting ... Read more

CFP: Representations of cinema and spectatorship in Francophone Africa (Marrakech, Morocco)

  Call for Papers Representations of cinema and spectatorship in Francophone Africa International Conference – ESAV - Marrakech (Morocco) – May 24-25, 2016    Research on African cinemas has until recently remained quite limited in scope. The films, filmmakers, and the political contexts as well as the images of the regions conveyed by the films have been the main focus of interest. The circulation of the films, film exhibition, cinema as a leisure activity, the ways in which people watch films are questions that have remained ... Read more

PSA/Journal of Postcolonial Writing Postgraduate Essay Competition 2016

PSA/Journal of Postcolonial Writing Postgraduate Essay Competition 2016 The Postcolonial Studies Association and the Journal of Postcolonial Writing are very pleased to announce the opening of the 2016 Postgraduate Essay Competition. On 8 September 2015, the prize’s winners and latest judges were especially mentioned and celebrated at the PSA’s Convention held at the University of Leicester, illustrating how the prize has been going from strength to strength. It is now entering its seventh consecutive running. The competition provides a great opportunity for ... Read more

Third Biannual Northern Postcolonial Network Symposium: Asylum, Refuge, Migration CfP

Third Biannual Northern Postcolonial Network Symposium: Asylum, Refuge, Migration A Joint Event of the University of Manchester and University of Salford 29 January 2016 (Attendance FREE) Call for Papers The Third Biannual NPN Symposium on ‘Asylum, Refuge, Migration’, 29 January 2016, at MediaCityUK (Salford), will bring together academic and non-academic audiences to debate the current and very pressing issues of asylum, refuge and migration. The focus of the day is therefore on conversation rather than on the delivery of formal academic papers. We warmly invite postgraduates and ... Read more
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