
New Postcolonial British Genres: Shifting the Boundaries by Sarah Ilott

Member's Publication New Postcolonial British Genres: Shifting the Boundaries by Sarah Ilott Though individual genres have been studied in relation to postcolonial criticism, there has not, until now, been a critical intervention that considers what it is about genre itself that makes it useful for a postcolonial project and for writing contemporary Britain. This study analyses four new genres of literature and film that have evolved to accommodate and negotiate the changing face of postcolonial Britain since 1990. It reads shifting genre boundaries as a means of understanding ... Read more

60 Untold Stories of Black Britain: exhibition at Goldsmiths University of London

You may be interested in visiting an exhibition at Goldsmiths University of London: '60 Untold Stories of Black Britain', which is running throughout October to mark Black History Month. Click on the image for more details.   Read more

Diasporic Trajectories: Transnational Cultures in the 21st Century- seminar schedule

Diaspora studies is a growing area of research within the broader field of postcolonial studies. Its principal focus is the ways in which the experiences of migrant and displaced communities have been represented in thought, literature and art. This seminar series will probe diaspora-related themes in a diverse range of ways, one of its aims being to develop still underworked comparative perspectives between the fields of Anglophone and francophone postcolonial studies. There will be two papers at each seminar, separated by a coffee ... Read more

CfP: “Art and Ideology in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Fiction -A Classic Anthology”

CALL FOR PAPERS “Art and Ideology in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Fiction - -A Classic Anthology” Edited by: Ernest N. Emenyonu, Iniobong I. Uko, & Patricia T. Emenyonu Easily the leading and most engaging voice of her era and generation, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie has bridged gaps, introduced new motifs and narrative varieties which have energized contemporary African fiction since her first novel, Purple Hibiscus (2003). With Half of a Yellow Sun (2007) and The Thing Around Your Neck - - Short Stories (2009), she established ... Read more

Member Publication: What Postcolonial Theory Doesn’t Say

We are delighted to announce the publication of What Postcolonial Theory Doesn't Say in the Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures series, available in hardback and on Kindle. What Postcolonial Theory Doesn't Say Ed. Anna Bernard, Ziad Elmarsafy, and Stuart Murray ISBN 9780415857970 This book reclaims postcolonial theory, addressing persistent limitations in the geographical, disciplinary, and methodological assumptions of its dominant formations. It emerges, however, from an investment in the future of postcolonial studies and a commitment to its basic premise: namely, that literature and culture ... Read more

Manchester Postcolonial Reading Group: Autumn 2015

Reading group diary, autumn 2015 Theme: Gender 1) Tuesday, 22 September, 12.00-13.00, Seminar Room 2, Graduate School (Ellen Wilkinson) Anne McClintock, Imperial Leather: Gender, Race and Sexuality in the Colonial Contest(Routledge, 1995): Chapter 6 (pp. 232-257) & Chapter 10 (pp. 352-389) 2) Tuesday, 20 October, 12.00-13.00, Seminar Room 2, Graduate School (Ellen Wilkinson) Christine Delphy, Separate and Dominate: Feminism and Racism After the War on Terror, trans. by David Broder (Verso, 2015) 3) Tuesday, 17 November, 12.00-13.00, Seminar Room 2, Graduate School (Ellen Wilkinson) Vron Ware, Beyond the Pale: White Women, Racism, and History (Verso, ... Read more

CFP – Visionary Texts, Past and Present: (Re)visionings and (Re)imaginings

CALL FOR PAPERS [EXTENDED DEADLINE] Pivot: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies and Thought Visionary Texts, Past and Present: (Re)visionings and (Re)imaginings “The visionary starts with a clean sheet of paper, and reimagines the world.” — Malcolm Gladwell “It’s a very salutary thing to realize that the rather dull universe in which most of us spend most of our time is not the only universe there is.” — Aldous Huxley Philosophers, poets, and artists in every era have revisioned and reimagined the world in ways that have inspired  ... Read more

Spring/Summer 2015 Newsletter

The Spring/Summer 2015 issue of the PSA Newsletter #15 - Spring 2015 is now available to download. The theme for this issue is 'Postcolonialism and/or Feminism' and contains a range of articles, interviews and book reviews related to the topic, as well as reports on recent Postcolonial events and other PSA news. You must log-in and be a paid-up member in order to view the Newsletter. Read more

Spring/Summer 2015 Newsletter

The Spring/Summer 2015 issue of the PSA Newsletter #15 - Spring 2015 is now available to download. The theme for this issue is 'Postcolonialism and/or Feminism' and contains a range of articles, interviews and book reviews related to the topic, as well as reports on recent Postcolonial events and other PSA news. The full version is available only to paid-up members. Remember to log-in in order to access the full issue. Read more

Postcolonial Studies Association 2015 Convention

7 to 9 September: University of Leicester and College Court The Postcolonial Studies Association (UK) is having its first ever convention. Please join other delegates to share and discuss the most recent developments in postcolonial studies, under the special topic of Diasporas The full programme is available here. Confirmed keynote speakers Professor Paul Gilroy (King’s College London) Professor John McLeod (University of Leeds) Dr Gayatri Gopinath (New York University) Special topic: Diasporas Movement —be it of culture, capital or the human movement involved in colonialism, slavery, indentured labour, or postcolonial migration to former colonial ... Read more
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